What To Do When Your Teenager Is Out Of Control

What To Do When Your Teenager Is Out Of Control

When your teen is struggling it can be difficult to know who to turn to. Advice swings from one extreme to the next, seemingly with no consistency. Do you take a hard line approach, harshly reinforcing rules and enacting intense punishments for breaking them? Is it better to show love and understanding, hoping that they grow out of the problem? At what point does rebellion turn from troubling to dangerous, and what can be done once it has?


Solutions are never a matter of one-size-fits-all. Your teen is facing a difficult time, full of wild emotions, hormonal changes, environmental stressors, and peer pressure. Not to mention their individual struggles, which may include depression, anxiety, mental illness, substance abuse, personality disorders, behavioral and disciplinary problems, and more. As suicide rates rise to make it the third leading rate of death in teens, finding an answer is all the more desperate.


Though residential programs exist for each of these problems, your child should complete a thorough assessment prior to making any decisions on their placement. Parent Learning Center is ready to provide that assessment, and instruct you on the best course of action for your teenager’s individual needs and situation. Your home may provide the best environment to begin your child’s path to healing and rehabilitation.


Learning The Skills You Need To Parent A Troubled Teen

By now you may feel completely overwhelmed. Over the years the back and forth between your teen has evolved into a daily struggle, leaving you exhausted, angry, tired, and feeling guilty. What were initially arguments and a bad attitude have shifted to become extreme behaviors that you can no longer control, and they are just getting worst. Perhaps they have even started to engage in risky behaviors to the point where you or other members of your family no longer feel safe in your own home.


Intervention is clearly needed, but the knee-jerk advice to send your child to an inpatient center, boarding school or outdoors program may seem like the wrong choice for your situation. If your teen is going to remain at home, the change has to begin with you, the parent. That is where Parent Learning Center comes in. Through individual consultations, courses, and resources you will learn the skills you need to help your teenager through this troubling time.


Some of the skills you will learn with Parent Learning Center include:


1. Knowing The Signs To Look For

Not every act of rebellion is a sign of darker things to come, but some red flags are precursors for more dangerous behaviors. You will learn to recognize the difference, and remain informed about the most worrying signs to look out for.


2. Understanding Modern Teen Culture and How It Impacts Their Environment

The digital age has made modern teen culture different than any that has come before it. As a parent you have to understand the nuances of this environment, and the impact it has on your teen.


3. Tips For Better Communication With Your Teen

How many fights and overreactions could be avoided if you only knew how to better communicate your side of a conversation to your child? What would change if you knew how to properly listen to theirs? Better communication may be the biggest roadblock standing in your way.


4. Setting (and Maintaining) Rules and Boundaries

Consistent rules, boundaries, and punishments might seem impossible to maintain after the amount of friction that has risen up between you and your teen. Learning how to enforce rules without budging is an ongoing process, and one we can help you with.


5. Communicating Accurate Expectations

Expecting your teen to shape up and behave over night is not a realistic expectation. Communicating specific improvements you expect to see over time is. Knowing what qualifies as reasonable milestones can help both you and your teen mark progress as you move forward. You will have set points that are reachable, rather than getting bogged down in what you think should happen.


6. Using Positive Reinforcement and Validation

Sending a teen to a residential treatment facility or boarding school sends a clear message: you aren’t wanted here. Even when the situation warrants such an extreme response, the damage to the teen’s self esteem can be severe. Using validation and positive reinforcement can be far more effective.


The Parent Learning Center method covers all of these skills, and many more. Through their expert driven curriculum you will learn better ways to address your child, as well as gain knowledge on healing the damage caused to your own psyche through the stress of continuous struggles within your family.


Parent Learning Center’s Professional Resources For Parents Of Troubled Teens

Having resources at your disposal is a crucial element for success. Parent Learning Center has a collection of professional resources to help you through this crisis, and to provide your teen with the tools they need to improve their life. They can offer you:

  • An assessment by a licensed professional, who can help you to create a detailed, tailored plan to fit the needs of your teen.
  • An extensive library of resources to help you along the way to healing.
  • A coach with the experience and knowledge needed to assist you in making the best decisions for your family.
  • A contract between parent and teen that outlines the responsibilities and needs of each, and the plan moving forward.
  • An explanation of the Validation Formula, and how it can make all the difference in rehabilitation.
  • A collection of expert led online parenting courses to teach you all you need to know to heal your relationship with your teen, and curb their negative behaviors, from home.

Get Help For Your Troubled Teen Today…Contact Parent Learning Center

You have tried everything you can think of to help your teen, to no avail. As desperation sets in, you need someone in your corner advising you on the best move forward. Parent Learning Center has experts at the ready, waiting to give you professional advice honed from years of combined experience.


There is no reason to take the extreme route; you can help your troubled teen from home. To find out more about home based treatment programs, parenting courses, resources and more, visit Parent Learning Center, or call them at 1-855-371-0389.

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